Hello everyone,

I am in desperate need so please forgive me for not reading over the rules on how to properly post lines of code/ data examples but I've been stuck on this problem for a while. I have a dataset that has variables named numerator_jun18_1...numerator_jun18_11 all the way through numerator_apr19_1...numerator_apr19_11 and the same set-up but for denominators. Im trying to do the following function:

gen score_jun18_1 = numerator_jun18_1 / denominator_jun18_1

for all 200+ variables and am trying to do so using a for loop to save myself the 200+ lines of code and possibility for human error.

I tried the following (acknowledging that I would have to do this for at least each month/year combination)
forvalues i=1/11{
local suffix cond(`i'<10, "00`i'", "0`i'")
gen score_jun18_`suffix' = numerator_jun18_`suffix' / denominator_jun18_`suffix'

but received the r(198) invalid name error code. Any help would be greatly appreciated