Thanks to Kit Baum a new version of smclpres is now available from SSC. To install type in Stata ssc install smclpres, replace.

Some talks are primarily on how to do things in Stata, like a lecture on graphs in Stata or a talk at a Stata Users' Group meeting. In those cases a .smcl presentation can be useful. A .smcl presentation is a series of linked .smcl files that open in the viewer inside Stata (like help-files). The strength of a .smcl presentation is that it can contain links that execute examples, open help files, open .do files, etc.

A .smcl presentation is all about illustrating how to do something in Stata, so preparing for such a talk typically starts with preparing a set of examples in .do file. By adding specific comments to that do-file, e.g. to indicate when a slide starts and when it ends, what the title of the slide is, etc, the -smclpres- program can turn that .do file in a .smcl presentation. This .smcl presentation can also be transformed to a .html handout.

A recent example of such a presentation is the presentation I held at the last German Stata Users' meeting on how to implement Agent Based Models in Mata:

The main improvements in this update of smclpres is that stops in cleaner way when an error occurs, and some more convenient ways of including links to .do files and dialog boxes for both the presentation and the handout.