
I am running Stata 15.1 on a Windows 7 8 core desktop. I am trying to run postfile but keep getting the following error

postfile __000000 already exists

The data is one row per individual and a
ID Study HomeMed_affect_drug HomeMed_mood_drug HomeMed_adhd_drug HomeMed_any_psych_drug HomeMed_any_benzo

123 1 1 1 0 1 1

The problematic code is below

version 15.1
tempname handle

loc nlist "HomeMed_affect_drug HomeMed_mood_drug HomeMed_adhd_drug"

di "`nlist'"

foreach x of local nlist {
di "`x'"

forvalues f=1/16 {

postfile `handle' draw `x'_pop `x'_sample_1 `x'_sample_0 `x'_rp using `x'test1 ,replace every(1)

count if `x' ==0 & draw ==`f'
loc `x'_sample_0 =r(N)

count if `x'==1 & draw ==`f'
loc `x'_sample_1= r(N)

count if `x'==1
loc `x'_pop =r(N)

tab `x' study_subject if draw ==`f' |draw ==. ,ex
loc `x'_rp =r(p_exact)

post `handle' (`f') (``x'_pop') ( ``x'_sample_1') (``x'_sample_0') ( ``x'_rp')


postclose `handle'

I tried inserting a postutil clear statement before the postfile command per a statalist poster but it results in only a single row being posted. A version of this code with just one variable works without problems and saves 16 rows to the posted file.

Has anyone encountered this before and come up with a solution? In the example, I have listed 4 variables but I have more than 4 in the full dataset.

Many thanks


Paul Walsh