I have two data sets. First one has variables named "start","end" ,and "stock" and the other one has variables "num", "stock" and "price".
I want to generate a new variable in my first data set which has the average price of each stock which it's "num" is greater than "start" and smaller than "end".
I have appended these two data sets and renamed the name of the "name" variable in second data set to "name2".
So my data set is like:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input byte(start end) str1(stock stock2) byte(num price) 1 3 "a" "" . . 2 5 "b" "" . . 5 6 "a" "" . . 3 4 "c" "" . . 4 6 "b" "" . . 5 7 "a" "" . . 1 2 "c" "" . . . . "" "a" 1 0 . . "" "a" 2 2 . . "" "a" 3 3 . . "" "a" 4 9 . . "" "a" 5 9 . . "" "a" 6 5 . . "" "a" 7 4 . . "" "b" 1 10 . . "" "b" 2 9 . . "" "b" 3 10 . . "" "b" 4 5 . . "" "b" 5 10 . . "" "b" 6 7 . . "" "b" 7 1 . . "" "c" 1 7 . . "" "c" 2 4 . . "" "c" 3 4 . . "" "c" 4 1 . . "" "c" 5 2 . . "" "c" 6 5 . . "" "c" 7 0 end
A new variable ,called "mean_price", should have (0+2+3)/3 for the first row and (10+7)/2 for the second row and so on until the 7th row.
Thanks for your attention.
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