I'm doing a cross-sectional analysis with one wave of a german Panel study.
I weighted my data with
svyset [pweight=d1ca1weight]
Now I wanted to use tabstat to see my descriptive statistics as follows:
svy: sum allg_lz erw job kohorte partner ost gesund loghheinknett_z migstat abschluss anz_kind kind_u3_nodum svy: estpost tabstat allg_lz erw job kohorte partner ost gesund loghheinknett_z migstat abschluss anz_kind kind_u3_nodum, casewise /// statistics(count mean sd median min max) column(statistics)
How can I see the descriptive statistics (count mean sd median min max) with svy for a cross-sectional Analysis?
Thanks a lot!
Greetings, Alex
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