
I came across this quite interesting blog article on the topic of the smallest effect size of interest and how to reject the presence of a meaningful effect.
However, I'm still a bit at loss as to how this exactly works with Stata. I was hoping the people in this forum would have some helpful pointers.

Status quo: I have data from an experiment (1 baseline, 4 treatments). The study was pre-registered such that - based on existing literature - we can obtain 90% power. We collected a lot of data and the results show quite convincing null effects across the board when looking at the impact of the treatment intervention compared to the behavior in the baseline (with all effect sizes below 0.1). I was told that one way of strengthening these null findings is by calculating whether one can reject the presence of a meaningful effect, as explained in the blog article linked above.

My question: how exactly do I go about this in Stata? Based on my reading of the literature, effect sizes of 0.3 or more are common for our kind of interventions, so that I'd argue that anything below 0.3 is not of interest anymore. How would I show this statistically in light of our results from within Stata?

Thank you!