I am trying to specify a two-factor repeated-measures ANOVA. I've gone through the documentation and the UCLA help page, but I believe that I am mispecifying my error term. NB: I found the syntax Stata uses for this to be uncharacteristically awkward. I'm comparing my calculated model against a model calculated in SPSS that is known to be accurate. The data I am using come from Andy Field's most recent textbook on SPSS, and deal with a 3x3 repeated measures design. In other words, each person experiences each of the nine conditions exactly once.
Here is an example of the data:
id attitude drink imagery 1. 1 1 1 1 2. 1 6 1 2 3. 1 5 1 3 4. 1 38 2 1 5. 1 -5 2 2 6. 1 4 2 3 7. 1 10 3 1 8. 1 -14 3 2 9. 1 -2 3 3 10. 2 43 1 1 11. 2 30 1 2 12. 2 8 1 3 13. 2 20 2 1 14. 2 -12 2 2 15. 2 4 2 3 16. 2 9 3 1 17. 2 -10 3 2 18. 2 -13 3 3
attitude = dv
drink = factor 1
imagery = factor 2
Frustratingly, I can get all relevant F-statistics to match the "known model", but Stata is indicating that I've explained all variability in the model which shouldn't be the case.
This is how I'm specifying my model:
anova attitude drink id / drink#id imagery/ imagery#id drink#imagery/ drink#imagery#id, repeated(drink imagery)
Thanks a lot!
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