
I am trying to test if my data are missing completely at random (MCAR) by using the mcartest command, a user generated command. I have read the article Little’s test of missing completely at random (By Cheng Li, The Stata Journal (2013) 13, Number 4, pp. 795–809).

I do have a few questions on how to use the mcartest:

1. In the article, it says the syntax is:
mcartest depvars
However, my impression is that when it says "depvars" it is NOT referring to the variables that will be dependent variables in your subsequent analysis, but actually the variables that you are interested in testing are MCAR. In my case, I only have missing values for my independent variables so should I put those where depvars go in the syntax?

2. For covariate dependent missingness, it says to use the syntax,

mcartest depvars = indepvars
My understanding is that the independent variables for this command are your covariates that do NOT have missing values.

3. Can you only test if continuous variables are MCAR using Little's test?

Many thanks,