Hello Statalist

I would like to produce a three way graph on stata like the one provided in the attachment, taken from the following paper:

Shu, X. and Meagher, K.D., 2017. Beyond the stalled gender revolution: Historical and cohort dynamics in gender attitudes from 1977 to 2016. Social Forces, 96(3), pp.1243-1274.

Similar to the graph attached, I would like to plot the following:

I have three variables, a binary outcome (delf) coded as (0) % Agree (1) % disagree, a birth cohort categorical variable with 6 categories and a period categorical variable with 3 categories. I would like to plot the outcome variable (% Agree) on the Y axis, the Period on the X axis and then have the different lines represent the different birth cohorts with the % that Agree at each time period.

I have been trying using the following syntax but I get odd looking graphs (I am a beginner at stata unfortunately):

line delf C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Period
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.