Hi everybody
I have the model below. I found that I have one outlier that has influence on the coefficients. I do not want to drop the outlier. Is there any other way that I can modify the model without dropping the outlier?
. reg infmort lpcinc lphysic lpopul, hc3

Linear regression Number of obs = 51
F( 3, 47) = 0.56
Prob > F = 0.6413
R-squared = 0.1391
Root MSE = 2.0581

| Robust HC3
infmort | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
lpcinc | -4.684585 4.942597 -0.95 0.348 -14.62781 5.258638
lphysic | 4.153227 7.051872 0.59 0.559 -10.03331 18.33976
lpopul | -.0878245 .768478 -0.11 0.909 -1.633803 1.458154
_cons | 33.85875 22.82631 1.48 0.145 -12.06186 79.77937