I am trying to reshape my data from wide to long, however I need to drop duplicates first. Here is an example of my data of employment by U.S. County:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int year byte qtr str1 disclosure_code str41 area_title str43 agglvl_title long(qtrly_estabs_count month1 month2 month3) float countyid str5 time float dup
2009 1 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1868 1721 1641 1 "20091" 0
2009 2 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1531 1530 1496 1 "20092" 0
2009 3 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 32 1495 1480 1433 1 "20093" 0
2009 4 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 33 1445 1444 1447 1 "20094" 0
2010 1 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1428 1457 1516 1 "20101" 0
2010 2 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1540 1570 1572 1 "20102" 0
2010 3 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1552 1578 1590 1 "20103" 0
2010 4 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1601 1594 1584 1 "20104" 0
2011 1 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1525 1567 1576 1 "20111" 0
2011 2 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1566 1581 1580 1 "20112" 0
2011 3 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1587 1579 1639 1 "20113" 0
2011 4 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1658 1668 1636 1 "20114" 0
2012 1 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1649 1703 1722 1 "20121" 0
2012 2 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1719 1733 1712 1 "20122" 0
2012 3 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1723 1727 1734 1 "20123" 0
2012 4 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1701 1592 1547 1 "20124" 0
2013 1 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 29 1538 1561 1563 1 "20131" 0
2013 2 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 29 1572 1577 1584 1 "20132" 0
2013 3 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 29 1582 1592 1602 1 "20133" 0
2013 4 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 30 1657 1655 1637 1 "20134" 0
2014 1 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 31 1740 1741 1760 1 "20141" 0
2014 2 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 32 1782 1798 1812 1 "20142" 0
2014 3 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 32 1806 1813 1848 1 "20143" 0
2014 4 "" "Abbeville County, South Carolina" "County, NAICS Sector -- by ownership sector" 32 1789 1789 1783 1 "20144" 0
This is what I used to generate the dup variable: quietly by countyid time: gen dup = cond(_N==1,0,_n)

However, the issue is that there are duplicates for the same year, quarter, and county with one dupe listing zeros for employment and the other version listing the actual employment. I sorted the data with this: sort countyid time month1 month2 month3 so that the dupe with zeros would appear before the dupe with employment, giving it a dup value of 1. My intention was to do drop if dup == 1 however i discovered that some of the duplicates come in triplets meaning that there are two lines of zeros, with dup values of 1 and 2, and then the actual employment has a dup value of 3. I thought I could try to use gsort to instead sort the duplicates in descending order so I can do drop if dup >1 but I can't seem to get it to work.

I would appreciate any help!