Hello, I am trying Multilevel Multinomial logistic regression with gsem command.
However, there's a little confusion for me.
I read the page about multilevel sem for stata, but I have no idea how to control group-level variables.

My data is nested in individual-country level.
Outcome(t4est) has 4 different categories so that I want to compare one category to another.

gsem (i.test <- tvtot tvpol acetalv ndfegcf dfegcon lrscale threat socialdi diff22 FOREIGNB GDP agea i.female i.minority educ i.married i.city secgen unempex i.manlbr hinctnta M1[cntry]@1), mlogit

but I am afraid I might have to specify that FOREIGNB and GDP are also group-level variable.
besides, when I try that code, following note appears and it doesn't give the result....

note: The following observed variable names will be treated as latent variables:
FOREIGNB, GDP. If this is not your intention, use the nocapslatent option, or
identify the latent variable names in the latent() option.

Fitting fixed-effects model:

Iteration 0: log likelihood = -10069.483
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -9545.854
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -9498.9158
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -9498.6617
Iteration 4: log likelihood = -9498.6617

Refining starting values:

Grid node 0: log likelihood = -9314.5082

Fitting full model:

What could be the cause?
Thanks a lot