
I saw a discussion about this topic here: https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...-custom-labels

I am trying to ask the question there but it seems nobody saw it.

I have a related question about custom label with marginsplot.

I am trying to set up something like this to shorten the display of the label:

marginsplot, recast(line) recastci(rarea) ytitle("Cardiovascular Risk Index") ///
xtitle("Longtidinal Obesity") xlabel (`=none' "none" `=obese@adulthd' "@adult" `obese@early-adlt' "@early-adult" `=obese@adolsct' "@adolescent")

But it did not work. Do you know how I can fix it? BTW, how can I make the label to be fully shown but not cut-off

Of course, there is another option. I could re-define the value label. But I would like to try changing the label in the graph first.

