I have data from several years. Each is stored in a file entitled "year 1" "year 2" .... "year 8". The variable names are the same each year, but in year 1 the variable names are prefixed a_, in year 2 b_, etc. I want to keep a subset of the variables each year, saving as new files while leaving the original files untouched. My code to do this is
use "filepath for data year 1"
keep a_var1...a_var99
save "filepath working data year 1"
use "filepath for data year 2"
keep b_var1...b_var99
save "filepath working data year 2"
use "filepath for data year 8"
keep h_var1...h_var99
save "filepath working data year 8"
but I think it should be possible to create a loop rather than use repetitive code. My problem is I can't figure out how to loop over both 1-8 for the file names and a-h for the variable names, or how to restrict the combinations so that a is only called with 1, b with 2, etc. Can someone give me a pointer here?
(I know I could just change the file names to be letters instead of numbers, but being able to combine two loops seems like a useful skill to have.)
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