
I'm running Stata 15.1 on OSX. Using data from the general social survey, I'm attempting to graph longitudinal trends in responses to a binary dependent variable (yes/no) by age group.
I run the following syntax:
regress SPKRAC i.year##i.age_cat4 if white==1 & ideo3==1 [pweight=wtssall]
which produces a graph that looks like this:


As you can see, it's a bit of a mess. I'd like to make it (or, more specifically, the trend lines) more presentable. I was doing a little searching around and read up a bit on 'smoothing'. I have no experience in using this feature, though, and (if this is the appropriate route to take) would like a little assistance in determining which procedure to use.

Here is some sample data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(age_cat4 SPKRAC) int year
 1   . 1972
 4   . 1973
 1   . 1974
 2   . 1975
 4 100 1976
 4   0 1977
 4   . 1978
 4 100 1980
 3   0 1982
 1   . 1983
.n 100 1984
 2 100 1985
 1   . 1986
 2 100 1987
 4   . 1988
 1   . 1989
 4   . 1990
 4 100 1991
 3 100 1993
 2   . 1994
 4   0 1996
 4 100 1998
 1 100 2000
 1 100 2002
 4   . 2004
 4   0 2006
 3   . 2008
 2   . 2010
 1   0 2012
 4 100 2014
 3 100 2016
 4   . 1972
 4   . 1973
 3   . 1974
 1   . 1975
 4 100 1976
 2 100 1977
 4   . 1978
 4 100 1980
 3   0 1982
 4   . 1983
 2 100 1984
 3   0 1985
 4   . 1986
 2 100 1987
 3 100 1988
 3   . 1989
 3   . 1990
 2 100 1991
 3 100 1993
 4   . 1994
 2   . 1996
 1   . 1998
 3   0 2000
 3 100 2002
 3   . 2004
 1   . 2006
 3 100 2008
 1   . 2010
 1 100 2012
 1   0 2014
 4   . 2016
 3   . 1972
 2   . 1973
 4   . 1974
 4   . 1975
 3 100 1976
 4 100 1977
 2   . 1978
 4 100 1980
 1   0 1982
 4   . 1983
 3 100 1984
 1   0 1985
 3   . 1986
 4   0 1987
 4   . 1988
 2   0 1989
 1 100 1990
 2   . 1991
 3 100 1993
.n   0 1994
 4 100 1996
 2   . 1998
 4   . 2000
 2   . 2002
 4   . 2004
 4   . 2006
 3   . 2008
 4   0 2010
 3 100 2012
 4 100 2014
 4 100 2016
 1   . 1972
 2   . 1973
 4   . 1974
 1   . 1975
 4 100 1976
 1 100 1977
 4   . 1978
format %ty year

Thanks in advance!