Dear All,

I have the following code:

sysuse bplong.dta, clear
keep if when==1
reg bp agegrp#sex
quietly margins, at(agegrp=(1(1)3))
grstyle init
grstyle color background white
grstyle color major_grid gs8
grstyle linewidth major_grid thin
grstyle linepattern major_grid dot
grstyle yesno draw_major_hgrid yes
grstyle yesno grid_draw_min yes
grstyle yesno grid_draw_max yes
grstyle anglestyle vertical_tick horizontal
grstyle gsize axis_title_gap tiny
grstyle color ci_area gs12%50
grstyle color ci_arealine gs12%0
grstyle linewidth plineplot medthick
marginsplot, xlabel(1(1)3) recast(line) recastci(rarea) yline(-5)
I am going to use the routine grstyle by Ben Jann to plot my graph via marginsplot. Specifically, I would like to enter a y-reference line at -5. Following the information in Jann's website, my intention would be to add transparency into the to CI area in order to show properly the reference line. The text in bold in the code should (I believe) let me do this. However, as you can notice from the pic below, I am not successful and the reference line is barely visible. How can I amend my code in order to achive what I need? Thanks in advance.
