Hi, I am relatively new to stata but have looked for help ciplot and help xtgraph plus hours online and cannot find a solution.
I have 1 continuous variable (mean csi) measured hourly over 24h.
I would like to plot mean csi over time but by two categorical variables (red_mov - binary).
I have tried ciplot over time but that does not allow me two categories.
I have tried xtgraph but a thrid (?) variable appears and the CI bars don't appear and modifying the graph options such as msymbol or bar(ci) does not cause any change on the output.
I am trying to achieve something like this:Array
But when I type the code: . xtgraph csi, group(red_mov) msymbol(D) av(am) offset(3) level(95%) bar(ci)
What get is this:
Please can you help?
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