Dear all,

I am trying to fit a continuation-ratio logit model in a multi-level context. I have an outcome variable that takes the values 1 ... 5, and I am interested in modelling the sequential advancement from 1 to 5 as can be done with a sequential logit (i.e. Tutz & Mare models, as in Maarten Buis (SSC) command seqlogit).
The data is nested, so I seek to estimate it in a multi-level context (two-level model) to account for statistical dependency.

As far as I understand, gllamm offers the (only?) possibility to estimate a multi level continuation ratio logit model, and it is possible to not impose a parallel lines assumption by using the thresh() option.

While I have found the description of what I am looking for in Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal (2012, 3rd edition) and while in the exercises (Ch11) this use case of a continuation ratio model without parallel lines assumption is explicitely asked for, I cannot seem to find any worked example (neither in solutions package which accompanies the book nor on statalist).

Does anyone have a worked example of gllamm with for a continuation ratio logit model with higher order random terms and without the parallel lines assumption?

That'd be absolutely fantastic, I am now struggling quite a bit to get this right...
