I would like check whether I can overwrite the missing deprivation variable (dep) with the value of the previous year. To check whether that does not create a bias I wanted to generate 2 change variables (1 for dep and 1 for income_cat) and compare the two. Deprivation is a dummy and income_cat is categorized like this:
gen income_cat = .
replace income_cat = 5 if equivincome > median_inc*1.5 /*wohlhabende*/
replace income_cat = 4 if equivincome > median_inc & equivincome <= median_inc*1.5 /*höhere mittlere Eink*/
replace income_cat = 3 if equivincome > median_inc*0.8 & equivincome <= median_inc /*mittlere Eink*/
replace income_cat = 2 if equivincome > median_inc*0.6 & equivincome <=median_inc*0.8 /*prekäre Einkommen */
replace income_cat = 1 if equivincome < median_inc*0.6
Since I am not very advanced in Stata, I tried it with the following code for the age span 2001 to 2003 for deprivation, but the 3rd variable saved 0 changes...:
gen dep_2001 = .
replace dep_2001 = 0 if dep == 0 & syear == 2001
replace dep_2001 = 1 if dep == 1 & syear == 2001
gen dep_2003 = .
replace dep_2003 = 0 if dep == 0 & syear == 2003
replace dep_2003 = 1 if dep == 1 & syear == 2003
gen dep_0103 = .
replace dep_0103 = 0 if dep_2001 == 0 & dep_2003 == 0
replace dep_0103 = 1 if dep_2001 == 0 & dep_2003 == 1
replace dep_0103 = 2 if dep_2001 == 1 & dep_2003 == 0
replace dep_0103 = 3 if dep_2001 == 1 & dep_2003 == 1
This is the Code (I would also consider going a percentage change of equiv income)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input long pid int syear float(dep income_cat equivincome) 201 2000 . 1 8510 201 2001 0 1 8858 201 2002 . 1 1627 201 2003 0 1 7287 201 2004 . 3 15185 201 2005 0 1 7648 201 2006 . 1 7723 201 2007 1 2 11488 201 2008 . 1 8673 203 2000 . 4 21212 203 2001 0 4 21281 203 2002 . 4 25398 203 2003 0 4 27242 203 2004 . 4 26525 203 2005 0 4 18800 203 2006 . 4 24796 203 2007 0 4 23217 203 2008 . 4 23828 601 2000 . 5 91799.43 601 2001 0 5 74910.89 601 2002 . 5 93241.23 601 2003 0 5 54433.08 602 2000 . 4 20017 602 2001 0 4 23594 602 2002 . 4 23485.5 602 2003 0 4 22628 602 2004 . 4 21356 602 2005 0 4 23876.5 602 2006 . 5 28357 602 2007 0 4 24080 602 2008 . 4 22833.5 602 2009 . 4 23930 602 2010 . 4 28200 602 2011 0 4 25488.86 602 2012 . 4 21948.55 604 2007 0 4 24080 604 2008 . 4 22833.5 604 2009 . 4 23930 901 2000 . 3 14350 901 2001 1 3 14639 901 2002 . 2 13826 901 2003 0 2 12504 901 2004 . 2 14333 901 2005 1 3 15005 901 2006 . 3 15071 901 2007 0 2 14646 901 2008 . 2 12071 901 2009 . 2 15222 901 2010 . 2 15304 901 2011 0 2 15318 901 2012 . 2 15066 901 2013 0 2 15286 901 2014 . 2 15391 901 2015 0 2 15355 1202 2000 . 4 18975 1202 2001 0 4 17747 1202 2002 . 4 18806 1501 2000 . 5 55871 1501 2001 0 5 61132 1501 2002 . 5 65084 1501 2003 0 5 54261 1501 2004 . 5 44876 1501 2005 0 5 57810 1501 2006 . 5 58957 1501 2007 0 5 57192 1501 2008 . 5 60712 1501 2009 . 5 50571 1501 2010 . 5 50612 1501 2011 0 5 59658 1501 2012 . 5 120497 1501 2013 0 5 54516 1501 2014 . 5 58659 1501 2015 0 5 58773 1501 2016 0 5 55184 1601 2000 . 1 9079 1601 2001 0 1 6803.496 1601 2002 . 3 14995.52 1601 2003 1 2 11436.73 1601 2004 . 2 14175.104 1601 2005 0 2 12105.88 1601 2006 . 2 14666.102 1601 2007 1 2 14785.604 1601 2008 . 3 15809.494 1601 2009 . 2 14444.07 1601 2010 . 2 13095.618 1602 2001 0 1 6803.496 1602 2002 . 3 14995.52 1602 2003 1 2 11436.73 1602 2004 . 2 14175.104 1602 2005 0 2 12105.88 1602 2006 . 2 14666.102 1602 2007 1 2 14785.604 1602 2008 . 3 15809.494 1602 2009 . 2 14444.07 1603 2003 1 2 11436.73 1603 2004 . 2 14175.104 1603 2005 0 2 12105.88 1701 2000 . 5 25680.54 1701 2001 0 4 25965.174 1701 2002 . 5 27537.877 end
Any assistance will be immensely appreciated
0 Response to generating change variables in panel-structure
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