Dear All, As requested by Nick Cox, I start this new thread. The original one is here (
I have this dataset,
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int(year kb78etrica kh01jep) 1994 41 . 1995 36 . 1996 35 . 1997 56 . 1998 60 . 1999 67 . 2000 82 . 2001 106 . 2002 123 32 2003 142 50 2004 182 64 2005 268 123 2006 325 191 2007 343 282 2008 468 384 2009 532 511 2010 581 589 2011 625 597 2012 737 720 2013 821 761 2014 890 830 2015 937 897 2016 1103 928 2017 1058 947 2018 1039 928 end
twoway bar kb78etrica kh01jep year, xtitle("") xla(1994(4)2018) /// blcolor(red blue) bfcolor(red*0.2 blue*0.2) legend(col(1) pos(11) ring(0)) yla(0(250)1000, ang(h))
Then, I manually adjust the graph using the Graph Editor (Bar properties: Opacity from 100 to 80), and have (Note the year 2010)Array
I know that there is a recording function when we manually adjust the graph. But, I wonder if that there is similar function like importing an excel file manually and a corresponding command appearing in the results window, say:
import excel "D:\R_Quantile\raw\Quantile-citation.xlsx", sheet("工作表1") firstrow clear
0 Response to corresponding commands for manually adjusting graph
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