
I am working with the National Sample Survey Organization dataset from India. It is an individual level dataset but the consumption figures are of the entire household.
The consumption figures are given item wise in the data set in terms of monthly per capita consumption expenditure
There is a household id for each household and a person id as well.
If I want to calculate the total annual household consumption expenditure of each household, what sepcific command of Stata do I use?

The process that I followed was :
1. convert the MPCE (in rupee terms) for 30 days into 365 days by multiplying and dividing by 365 and 30 respectively

2.add the MPCE_365 for all individuals in the same household by using the bysort hhid command

However, this does not give the correct figures because the consumption figures are household wise and not at the individual level.

Thanks and regards,