Hello everyone,

I have a dataset like this-
input str4 hsn double cdob str10 bqdate_1
"1004" 19251 " 4/16/2026"
"1005" 19227 " 4/16/2011"
"1007" 19235 " 4/16/2011"
"1009" 19247 " 4/16/2013"
"1013" 19244 " 4/16/2021"
format %td cdob

cdob is the date of birth, and bqdate_1 is date of administering the data. Now I need to find out the age from the difference of these two variables. I know I need to change the format of these two variables, but I'm not sure exactly what to do for that. After changing the format I need to calculate differences between dates in months by using mofd prefix. Can someone help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
