I have data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int(group price) 1 4499 2 6229 3 3667 3 4172 3 4934 4 3984 4 4589 4 5079 4 6486 4 8129 5 3299 5 3748 5 3829 5 4389 6 3895 6 4187 6 4195 6 4453 6 5799 7 3798 7 3995 7 4099 7 4425 7 4647 7 4749 7 5719 7 6295 8 3799 8 7140 8 9735 9 3955 9 4082 9 4424 9 15906 10 4181 10 5899 10 11995 10 12990 11 4516 11 4697 11 5397 11 9690 11 13466 12 4060 12 4296 12 4733 12 4816 12 5104 12 5172 12 5189 12 5222 12 5379 12 6303 12 6850 12 14500 13 3291 13 4010 13 4482 13 4504 13 4723 13 5886 13 10371 13 10372 14 13594 16 4890 16 5705 16 5798 16 7827 16 8814 16 11385 17 5788 17 6342 18 11497 19 6165 end
What I want to do is to compute the sum of pairwise differences (in absolute value) in price across groups. Here I have 19 groups. Each group has different numbers of observations. My goal is:
1. calculate the differences (in abs. value) between observation 1 in group 1 and all other observations that are not in group 1.I have already written up the codes (as below). However, my real dataset is relatively large, and my codes run too slowly. Can anybody kindly tell me how to improve the speed? Thank you so much!
2. repeat the calculation for the remaining observations in group 1.
3. repeat the calculation for each member in group 2, 3, ... 19. For instance, calculate the pairwise differences (in abs. value) between observation 1 in group 2 and all other observations that are not in group 2. Then calculate the pairwise differences (in abs. value) between observation 2 in group 2 and all other observations that are not in group 2...
4. sum up all of the absolute differences.
egen price=mean(price) gen sumdiff=. //the variable that I finally want to produce egen N=count(group) //sample size forvalues p=1/19 { //19 groups in total qui gen temp=1 if p==`p' sort temp //move all observations who are in group `p' to the top qui sum temp if p==`p' local inend=r(N) local outstart=r(N)+1 //observations not in group `p' start from position `outstart' local outend=N local diff=0 forvalues n=`loopstart'/`loopend' { forvalues m=`loopstart'/`loopend' { local diff=abs(price[`n']-price[`m'])+`diff' } } replace sumdiff=`diff' if p==`p' drop temp }
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