25th UK Stata Conference (London): First Announcement and Call for Presentations
Dates: Thursday 5 September and Friday 6 September 2019
Venue: Cass Business School Executive Education Campus, 2nd Floor, 200 Aldersgate, London EC1A 4HD
You are warmly invited to attend the 25th Stata Conference in London!
Offers of presentations are also being sought.
Please email the scientific organisers if you are interested in presenting, sending an abstract and indicating whether you wish to give:
(i) a 20 min talk (followed by 10 min discussion);
(ii) a 10 min talk (followed by 5 min discussion);
(iii) a longer review or tutorial (about an hour); or
(iv) a poster presentation.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 May 2019. The final programme will be announced before the end of July 2019.
Please see below for further information about how to submit, registration fees, and reduced rates for paper presenters and students,etc.
Scientific organisers:
Michael Crowther Stephen Jenkins Roger Newson
<Michael.crowther@le.ac.uk> <s.jenkins@lse.ac.uk> <r.newson@imperial.ac.uk>
Logistics organised by Timberlake Consultants, distributors of Stata in the UK, Brazil, Ireland, Middle East, Poland, Portugal, and Spain.
(Visit the Timberlake website at http://www.timberlake.co.uk/)
Further information
The London conference is the longest-running series of Stata conferences. It is open to all interested. In past years participants have been from Britain, Ireland, other European countries, USA, and Australia. StataCorp will be represented.
Presentation topics might include:
- discussion of user-written Stata programs,
- case studies of research or teaching using Stata,
- discussions of data management problems,
- reviews of analytical issues,
- surveys or critiques of Stata facilities in specific fields, etc.
The meeting will include the usual "wishes and grumbles" session at which you may air your thoughts to Stata developers, and (at additional cost) the option of an informal meal at a London restaurant on the Thursday evening.
Timberlake Consultants generously sponsors registration fee waivers for presentations (one fee waiver per presentation, regardless of number of authors involved). Timberlake will also pay a small fee to a presenter of a longer review or tutorial paper. Presenters need to register.
Registration fees:
Non-students - attendance to both days - £96.00 including VAT.
Non-students - attendance to one day only - £66.00 including VAT.
Students - attendance to both days - £66.00 including VAT.
Students - attendance to one day only - £48.00 including VAT.
Dinner (optional) - £36.00 including VAT.
The scientific organisers look forward to hearing from you with presentation offers or to discuss the suitability of a potential contribution. The submission deadline is 31 May 2019. Confirmation of the programme, and details of how to register, will be circulated before the end of July 2019.
Please send abstracts in plain text format, preferably without including mathematical notation. (References, if any, should be within the abstract text.) Please give a title, name and affiliation of the presenter, and abstract text of no more than approximately 300 words.
Potential visitors to London might like to know that, by British standards, September is usually relatively dry and warm.
Please contact us before 31 May 2019, and preferably sooner!
Michael Crowther Stephen Jenkins Roger Newson
<Michael.crowther@le.ac.uk> <s.jenkins@lse.ac.uk> <r.newson@imperial.ac.uk>
This Call is also available at
For proceedings of previous Stata conferences, in London and elsewhere, visit
Michael Crowther, Stephen Jenkins, and Roger Newson
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