I was calling xtoverid, noi; and was thinking of what this means following a bootstrap analysis. I was a bit surprised that xtoverid, noi results were different after xtivreg2 with and without bootstrapping. I thought it would use the same ivreg command in both cases. I guess I am not clear of what is happening in xtoverid. Anybody able to explain it to me? Here is the code I was using.
clear all use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/macro/abdata.dta tsset id year xtivreg2 ys k (n=l2.n l3.n), fe small gen lag3n=l3.n gen lag2n=l2.n gen newid=id tsset newid year bootstrap, reps(20) cluster(id) idcluster(newid) : xtivreg2 ys k (n=lag2n lag3n), fe small xtoverid, noi xtivreg2 ys k (n=lag2n lag3n), fe small xtoverid, noi
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