I am currently struggeling with following problem: I want to display the average marginal effects (interaction term of continious & categorical variable) from a number of models in an accesible way. The problem I am facing is that the AME for one of the interactions is extremely large so that differences for the remaining categories cannot be seen anymore, as Stata adjusts the axis according the the largest AME. As I understood from earlier discussions Stata does not allow for a modification of the axis to constrain the range (https://www.statalist.org/forums/forum/general-stata-discussion/general/1382715-plotting-scales-with-marginsplot), so my thought was to leave that "problematic" interaction and the resulting AME out and discuss it in the text what appears acceptable in this case (few observations, large confidence intervalls).
However, I fail to get removed only the AME of this specific interaction:
What I did looks like follows (in a simplified version):
logit DV1 var0 i.var1##c.var2... eststo Model1: margins, dydx(var2) over(i.var1) post .... logit DV3 var0 i.var1##c.var2... eststo Model3: margins, dydx(var2) over(i.var1) post *I would like to remove the AME for one of the interactions from Model3 (_b[var2:3.var1]). Following the manual of coefplot (http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/coe...g-started.html) my thought was to use the following command: coefplot Model1 Model2 Model3, xline(0) drop(Model3:var2:3.var1)
Thank you so much in advance.
Best, Florian
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