I've been following this forum for a while now and I have a question about my panel regression model.
I have panel data of 248 companies collected between 1995 and 2017. The number of observations is 2553.
I'm interested in running a panel regression by controlling time fixed and firm fixed effects. Accordingly, I set my companyno variable by using the following command:
xtset companyno year
xtreg y1 x1 x2 i.year, fe vce(cluster companyno)
I know the R2 concept is not straightforward as it is in OLS but the study I'm following reported an adj. R2. So I used the command below to see my model's adj. R2:
ereturn list
When I sent my professor the results, he wanted to know about the adj. R2 when I do not use firm fixed effects (I guess he wanted to see the impact of fixed effects). I tried using the following:
xtset year
xtreg y1 x1 x2, fe vce(cluster companyno)
I have two questions here:
1) The adj. R2 when I set the company as the panel variable and running regression by using time and firm fixed effects are different than I set the year as the panel variable and including both time and firm fixed effects? What is the reason for that?
2) Is there a clear way to include firm fixed and time fixed effects separately to get comparable R2s?
Thank you very much!
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