Can somebody put some order and logic into all of this, or point to references that I can read to clarify it for myself?
Examples follow:
1. Example 1: in this example, if I refer to r(mean) directly it works, if I dereference it `r(mean)' it works too, and if I pass it through a scalar, it works too.
. sysuse auto, clear (1978 Automobile Data) . clonevar price2 = price . clonevar price3 = price . qui summ price . replace price = . if price<r(mean) (52 real changes made, 52 to missing) . qui summ price2 . replace price2 = . if price2<`r(mean)' (52 real changes made, 52 to missing) . qui summ price3 . sca Mean = r(mean) . replace price3 = . if price3<Mean (52 real changes made, 52 to missing) . summ price* Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------- price | 22 9814.364 3022.929 6229 15906 price2 | 22 9814.364 3022.929 6229 15906 price3 | 22 9814.364 3022.929 6229 15906 .
. sysuse auto, clear (1978 Automobile Data) . summ price Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+--------------------------------------------------------- price | 74 6165.257 2949.496 3291 15906 . return list scalars: r(N) = 74 r(sum_w) = 74 r(mean) = 6165.256756756757 r(Var) = 8699525.974268788 r(sd) = 2949.495884768919 r(min) = 3291 r(max) = 15906 r(sum) = 456229 . sca Mean = r(mean) . replace price = . if price < `Mean' invalid syntax r(198);
So when I write -return list- Stata claims that r(mean) is a scalar... But then I am able to dereference it as `r(mean)', whereas when I generate manually the scalar Mean, I am not able to dereference the scalar by `Mean'...
The mystery gets deeper when I try to use those in loops:
Example 2:
. sysuse auto, clear (1978 Automobile Data) . keep in 1/3 (71 observations deleted) . qui summ price . forvalues i = 1/r(N) { 2. dis `i' 3. } invalid syntax r(198); . forvalues i = 1/`r(N)' { 2. dis `i' 3. } 1 2 3 . sca Nobs = r(N) . forvalues i = 1/Nobs { 2. dis `i' 3. } invalid syntax r(198); . forvalues i = 1/`Nobs' { 2. dis `i' 3. } invalid syntax r(198); . dis r(N) 3 . dis Nobs 3 . dis `Nobs' . dis `r(N)' 3 .
Does anybody see any logic to all of this?
0 Response to Scalars and results r(something), and using such in expressions, and properly dereferencing such scalars and results
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