I am trying to use putpdf to convert a surveyCTO-formatted survey into pdf, but I am receiving a pair of formatting errors whose cause I cannot understand. The surveyCTO spreadsheets has the following (relevant) variables (I cannot share the real data for all of the fields, but I have included it for what I think are the most relevant fields):
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int index str29 type str24 name str2045 label str297 constraint str176 relevance str3 required str1440 choices str225 values 201 "select_one iga_paid" "q642" "label201" "" "q640 = 1" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 202 "text" "q642_confirmation" "label202" "" "q642 = 2" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 203 "begin group" "F6_1" "label203" "" "q642 != 2" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 204 "note" "f61note1" "label204" "" "" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 205 "select_one month" "q643_mm" "label205" "" "" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 206 "integer" "q643_yyyy" "label206" ". >1990 and .<2016" "" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 207 "end group" "F6_1" "label207" "" "" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 208 "select_one yesno" "q646" "label208" "" "q642 = 1 or q640 != 1" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 209 "select_one yesno" "q646b" "label209" "" "q646 = 0 and q640 = 3" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 210 "select_one yesno" "q647" "label210" "" "q646 = 1" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 211 "begin group" "F6_4" "label211" "" "(q646 = 0 and q640 != 3) or (q646b = 0 and q640 = 3)" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 212 "begin group" "F6_4a" "label212" "" "" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 213 "note" "f64note1" "label213" "" "" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 214 "select_one month" "q648_mm" "label214" "" "" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 215 "integer" "q648_yyyy" "label215" ". >1990 and .<2016" "" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 216 "end group" "F6_4a" "label216" "" "" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 217 "select_one stopcodes" "q649a" "label217" "" "" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 218 "text" "q649b" "label218" "" "q649a = 16" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 219 "end group" "F6_4" "label219" "" "" "" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 220 "integer" "q650" "label220" ".>0 and .<140" "q647 = 1" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 221 "select_one yesno" "q650a" "label221" "" "q647 = 1" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 222 "integer" "q651" "label222" "" "q641 = 1 and (q646b = 1 or q646 = 1)" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 223 "integer" "q652" "label223" "" "q641 = 2 and (q646b = 1 or q646 = 1)" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' 224 "select_one iga_incomefreq" "q653" "label224" "" "(q642 = 1 or q640 = 2) and q646 = 1" "yes" `" "choice1" "choice2" "choice3" "' `" "value1" "value2" "value3" "' end
To create the pdf, I loop over the values of index applying a program I wrote called formatquestion:
// import use "C:\Users\jduggan\Desktop\test_survey.xlsx", clear global question_count = 0 putpdf clear putpdf begin qui sum index forvalues i = 1/`r(max)' { preserve qui keep if index == `i' formatquestion restore } putpdf save "C:\my\directory\path.pdf", replace
The function formatquestion drops all observations except the one with index == i and then creates a set of locals containing the values of the variables for the observation with index == i. Having created and cleaned these locals, it then creates a set of putpdf tables/paragraphs that arrange the locals in a fashion that depends upon the value of the type variable:
cap prog drop formatquestion prog def formatquestion // define fundamental locals local ctovars index type name label hint constraint relevance required choices values foreach var in `ctovars' { qui levelsof `var', loc(`var') clean } // clean up locals // relevance capture confirm e `relevance' if !_rc { loc relevance_details = `"`relevance'"' } else { loc relevance_details = "all" } // constraint capture confirm e `constraint' if !_rc { loc constraint_details = `"`constraint'"' } else { loc constraint_details = "none" } // required capture confirm e `required' if !_rc { loc required_details = upper(`"`required'"') } else { loc required_details = `"NO"' } // hint capture confirm e `hint' if !_rc { loc hint_details = (`" (Hint: `hint')"') } else { loc hint_details } // labels capture confirm e `label' if !_rc { loc label_details = "`label'" } else { loc label_details = "THIS QUESTION HAS NO TEXT" } // choices capture confirm e `choices' if !_rc { loc choice_count : word count `choices' } else { loc choice_count } // define and perform formatting for each type of question // TEXT and INTEGER if "`type'" == "text" | "`type'" == "integer" { di "`name'" di "`relevance_details'" di "`constraint_details'" di "`required_details'" // update question counter global question_count = $question_count + 1 // put in pdf // define cell containing question name, type putpdf table nt`index' = (2,1), border(all, nil) memtable putpdf table nt`index'(1,1) = ("$question_count. `name'"), bold putpdf table nt`index'(2,1) = ("`type'") di "debug here # 1" // define cell containing relevance, constraints, and required status putpdf table auxt`index' = (3,1), border(all, nil) memtable di "debug here #2" putpdf table auxt`index'(1, 1) = ("Relevance: `relevance_details'") putpdf table auxt`index'(2, 1) = ("Constraints: `constraint_details'") putpdf table auxt`index'(3, 1) = ("Required: `required_details'") // created displayed table putpdf table t`index' = (1, 7), border(all, nil) putpdf table t`index'(1,1) = table(nt`index') putpdf table t`index'(1,2) = ("`label_details'`hint_details'"), colspan(4) putpdf table t`index'(1,6) = table(auxt`index'), colspan(2) } // SELECT ONE AND MULTI if strpos("`type'", "select_one") > 0 | strpos("`type'", "select_multi") > 0 { // update question counter global question_count = $question_count + 1 // define locals if strpos("`type'", "select_one") > 0 { loc qtype = "select_one" } else { loc qtype = "select_multi" } // put in pdf // define cell containing question name, type putpdf table nt`index' = (2,1), border(all, nil) memtable putpdf table nt`index'(1,1) = ("$question_count. `name'"), bold putpdf table nt`index'(2,1) = ("`type'") // define cell containing question, hint, choices, and values // define subcell containing choices and values putpdf table cv`index' = (`choice_count', 1), border(all, nil) memtable forvalues j = 1 / `choice_count' { loc ch: word `j' of `choices' loc v: word `j' of `values' putpdf table cv`index'(`j', 1) = ("`ch' = `v'") } // create cell combining label/hint with choices/values putpdf table lhcv`index' = (2, 1), border(all, nil) memtable putpdf table lhcv`index'(1, 1) = ("`label_details'`hint_details'") putpdf table lhcv`index'(2, 1) = table(cv`index') // define cell containing relevance, constraints, and required status putpdf table auxt`index' = (3, 1), border(all, nil) memtable putpdf table auxt`index'(1, 1) = ("Relevance: `relevance_details'") putpdf table auxt`index'(2, 1) = ("Constraints: `constraint_details'") putpdf table auxt`index'(3, 1) = ("Required: `required_details'") // created displayed table putpdf table t`index' = (1, 7), border(all, nil) putpdf table t`index'(1,1) = table(nt`index') putpdf table t`index'(1,2) = table(lhcv`index'), colspan(4) putpdf table t`index'(1,6) = table(auxt`index'), colspan(2) } end
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int index str29 type str24 name str2045 label str297 constraint str176 relevance str3 required str1440 choices str225 values 244 "text" "q661c1" "Other (specify)" "" "selected(q661c, '10')" "yes" "" "" end
The second problem occurs when I exclude the entire " // SELECT ONE AND MULTI" section from the questionformat function above; my loop will now not perform any putpdf commands when type is equal to select_one or select_multi. I also move around the debugging messages to identify the location of this second problem. To be clear, the formatquestion function now reads:
cap prog drop formatquestion prog def formatquestion // define fundamental locals local ctovars index type name label hint constraint relevance required choices values foreach var in `ctovars' { qui levelsof `var', loc(`var') clean } // clean up locals // relevance capture confirm e `relevance' if !_rc { loc relevance_details = `"`relevance'"' } else { loc relevance_details = "all" } // constraint capture confirm e `constraint' if !_rc { loc constraint_details = `"`constraint'"' } else { loc constraint_details = "none" } // required capture confirm e `required' if !_rc { loc required_details = upper(`"`required'"') } else { loc required_details = `"NO"' } // hint capture confirm e `hint' if !_rc { loc hint_details = (`" (Hint: `hint')"') } else { loc hint_details } // labels capture confirm e `label' if !_rc { loc label_details = "`label'" } else { loc label_details = "THIS QUESTION HAS NO TEXT" } // choices capture confirm e `choices' if !_rc { loc choice_count : word count `choices' } else { loc choice_count } // define and perform formatting for each type of question // TEXT and INTEGER if "`type'" == "text" | "`type'" == "integer" { di "`name'" di "`relevance_details'" di "`constraint_details'" di "`required_details'" // update question counter global question_count = $question_count + 1 // put in pdf // define cell containing question name, type putpdf table nt`index' = (2,1), border(all, nil) memtable putpdf table nt`index'(1,1) = ("$question_count. `name'"), bold putpdf table nt`index'(2,1) = ("`type'") // define cell containing relevance, constraints, and required status putpdf table auxt`index' = (3,1), border(all, nil) memtable putpdf table auxt`index'(1, 1) = ("Relevance: `relevance_details'") putpdf table auxt`index'(2, 1) = ("Constraints: `constraint_details'") putpdf table auxt`index'(3, 1) = ("Required: `required_details'") di "debug here # 3" // created displayed table putpdf table t`index' = (1, 7), border(all, nil) di "debug here #4" putpdf table t`index'(1,1) = table(nt`index') putpdf table t`index'(1,2) = ("`label_details'`hint_details'"), colspan(4) putpdf table t`index'(1,6) = table(auxt`index'), colspan(2) } end
The last line to run properly is "di "debug here # 3" ", and so the cause of the problem appears to be "putpdf table t`index' = (1, 7), border(all, nil)". The observation that causes this problem is:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input int index str29 type str24 name str2045 label str297 constraint str176 relevance str3 required str1440 choices str225 values 180 "text" "q633_other" "Other(Specify)" "" "q633=5" "yes" "" "" end
The solution offered -- to remove the "bold" option from your tables, prevents this error from occurring. Specifically, I remove the bold option from the line.
putpdf table nt`index'(1,1) = ("$question_count. `name'"), bold
0 Response to putpdf failed to add table, failed to set border
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