Hello everyone,

I am attempting to write a program/loop for a series of 4 ordinal, variables.

For each observation, there are 4 variables (call them medial_cortex (MC), lateral_cortex (LC), anterior_cortex (AC), posterior_cortex (PC)) which have a score of 1, 2, 3 or 4.

However, there are observations in which one, two, or three of the score variables are missing data.

Ie. Medial_cortex = 2, lateral_cortex = 3, anterior_cortex = . and posterior_cortex = 2

For each observation in the data set, I would like to take the average of the existing data in order to complete the remaining score data for each observation (I would prefer to avoid a conversation about the validity of replacing missing data in this way, this approach has already been ok'd by my principal investigator).

The general formula would look like (sum of the values of existing data) / (the number of vars with existing data) = Average

ie. MC = 2, LC = . AC = 4, PC = . --->Thus the the loop/program would replace LC and PC with 3 ( (2+4)/2 = 3) --> Final set: MC = 2, LC = 3, AC = 4, PC = 3
ie. MC = 2, LC = 3 AC = 4, PC = . ---> Thus the loop/program would replace PC with 3 ( (2 +3 +4)/3 = 3) --> Final set: MC = 2, LC = 3, AC = 4, PC = 3
ie. MC = . LC = 3 AC = . PC = . ---> Thus the loop/program would replace MC, AC, and PC with 3 ( 3/1 = 3) --> Final set: MC = 3, LC = 3, AC = 3, PC =3

My code thus far (very simple as I am pretty stuck on how to proceed). Please scroll to the bottom for example data.

Thank you all in advance for your help

* medial_cortex lateral_cortex anterior_cortex posterior_cortex are ordinal variables
* with values of 1, 2, 3, or 4

local cortex_list medial_cortex lateral_cortex anterior_cortex posterior_cortex
foreach n in `cortex_list' {
replace `n' = mean `cortex_list' if medial_cortex == . | lateral_cortex == . | anterior_cortex == . | posterior_cortex == .
Alternatively, I tried a long form of the loop I am trying to accomplish, but I think there are values being changed/replaced incorrectly

replace medial_cortex = (lateral_cortex + anterior_cortex + posterior_cortex)/3 if (medial_cortex == .) & (lateral_cortex != .) & (anterior_cortex !=.) & (posterior_cortex !=.)
replace lateral_cortex = (medial_cortex + anterior_cortex + posterior_cortex)/3 if (lateral_cortex == .) & (medial_cortex != .) & (anterior_cortex !=.) & (posterior_cortex !=.)
replace anterior_cortex = (lateral_cortex + medial_cortex + posterior_cortex)/3 if (anterior_cortex == .) & (lateral_cortex != .) & (medial_cortex !=.) & (posterior_cortex !=.)
replace posterior_cortex = (lateral_cortex + anterior_cortex + medial_cortex)/3 if (posterior_cortex == .) & (lateral_cortex != .) & (anterior_cortex !=.) & (medial_cortex !=.)

replace medial_cortex = (anterior_cortex + posterior_cortex)/2 if (medial_cortex == .) & (lateral_cortex == .) & (anterior_cortex !=.) & (posterior_cortex !=.)
replace lateral_cortex = (anterior_cortex + posterior_cortex)/2 if (lateral_cortex == .) & (anterior_cortex !=.) & (posterior_cortex !=.)

replace anterior_cortex = (medial_cortex + lateral_cortex)/2 if (anterior_cortex == .) & (posterior_cortex == .) & (medial_cortex !=.) & (lateral_cortex !=.)
replace posterior_cortex = (medial_cortex + lateral_cortex)/2 if (posterior_cortex == .) & (medial_cortex !=.) & (lateral_cortex !=.)

replace medial_cortex = posterior_cortex if medial_cortex == . & lateral_cortex == . & anterior_cortex == . & posterior_cortex !=.
replace lateral_cortex = posterior_cortex if lateral_cortex == . & anterior_cortex == . & posterior_cortex !=.
replace anterior_cortex = posterior_cortex if anterior_cortex == . & posterior_cortex !=. &

replace medial_cortex = anterior_cortex if medial_cortex == . & lateral_cortex == . & posterior_cortex == . & anterior_cortex !=.
replace lateral_cortex = anterior_cortex if lateral_cortex == . & posterior_cortex == . & anterior_cortex !=.
replace posterior_cortex = anterior_cortex if posterior_cortex == . & anterior_cortex !=.
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input int participant_id byte(medial_cortex lateral_cortex anterior_cortex posterior_cortex) float time
371 1 . 1 .  6
217 2 2 2 2 12
350 1 2 2 2  6
217 2 3 2 3 26
371 2 2 2 2 26
371 1 1 2 1 12
371 2 . 2 . 52
407 . . . . 12
407 3 . . 3 26
217 . 3 . 3 52
350 4 4 . . 52
350 . . . . 26
407 . . . 1  6
350 2 3 . . 12
217 . 1 . 2  6
407 . . . 3 52
label values medial_cortex medial_cortex_
label def medial_cortex_ 1 "Fracture line, no callus", modify
label def medial_cortex_ 2 "Fracture line completely visible, callus present", modify
label def medial_cortex_ 3 "Fracture line partially visible, callus present", modify
label def medial_cortex_ 4 "No Fracture line, callus present", modify
label values lateral_cortex lateral_cortex_
label def lateral_cortex_ 1 "Fracture line, no callus", modify
label def lateral_cortex_ 2 "Fracture line completely visible, callus present", modify
label def lateral_cortex_ 3 "Fracture line partially visible, callus present", modify
label def lateral_cortex_ 4 "No Fracture line, callus present", modify
label values anterior_cortex anterior_cortex_
label def anterior_cortex_ 1 "Fracture line, no callus", modify
label def anterior_cortex_ 2 "Fracture line completely visible, callus present", modify
label values posterior_cortex posterior_cortex_
label def posterior_cortex_ 1 "Fracture line, no callus", modify
label def posterior_cortex_ 2 "Fracture line completely visible, callus present", modify
label def posterior_cortex_ 3 "Fracture line partially visible, callus present", modify