
How can I interpret the following Solman Goodman Mediation test:
Sobel Goodman Mediation Test
Coef Std Err Z P>|Z|
Sobel -0.01790966 0.00941595 -1.902 0.05716378
Goodman-1 (Aroian) -0.01790966 0.00973262 -1.84 0.06574334
Goodman-2 -0.01790966 0.00908825 -1.971 0.04876519
Coef Std Err Z P>|Z|
a coefficient 646.362 252.17 256.321 0.010371
b coefficient -0.000028 9.80E-06 -283.748 0.004547
Indirect effect -0.01791 0.009416 -190.206 0.057164
Direct effect 0.165184 0.052501 314.628 0.001654
Total effect 0.147274 0.052529 280.366 0.005053
Proportion of total effect that is mediated: -0.12160763
Ratio of indirect to direct effect: -0.10842262
Ratio of total to direct effect: 0.89157738