
I'm running a mixed effect model using this command
xi: mixed  reconsumption CL PR i.statusnum absenceofcorruption accesstojustice basicwelfare civilsocietyparticipation democracyrob electoralparticipation energyimports freedomofassociation freedomofreligion govfinalconsumpexpendgdp lnco2emission co2_sq lngdppcworldpen lngdpperunitofenergy lnoilprice oil_pr oil_welfare oil_co2 lnpopdensity lnrailways lnurbanpop lnenergyuse i.polsystemnum socialgroupequality trade || country: i.statusnum i.polsystemnum
When it gives me the outup, shows the total number of observations and groups:

Mixed-effects ML regression Number of obs = 813
Group variable: country Number of groups = 67

Obs per group:
min = 1
avg = 12.1
max = 22

I really want to see which countries are considered in these groups. Which command I should use?