Thank you for your help just few days ago,I have completed resampling from fmm with homoscedasticity.Now I want to extend this resample to fmm with heteroscedasticity.And I have completed a fmm estimation with heteroscedasticity,I hope to get your help to write the code for resample.As follows showing,how to do the *resample* in fmm with heteroscedasticity?
Thank you for your patience,I'm looking forward to your help!
Zhang Bing
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
(Abbreviated dataset mus03data from Cameron and Trivedi (2010))
. dataex lmedexp age sex income totchr lmedexp in 1/20
----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
*1.resample after fmm with homoscedasticity* use fmm 2: regress lmedexp income c.age##c.age totchr sex constraint 1 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.income = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.income constraint 2 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.age = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.age constraint 3 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.age#c.age = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.age#c.age constraint 4 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.totchr = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.totchr constraint 5 [lmedexp]1.Class#sex = [lmedexp]2.Class#sex fmm 2,constraints(1/5): regress lmedexp income c.age##c.age totchr sex local prob1 = 1/(1 + exp(_b[2.Class:_cons])) local prob2 = exp(_b[2.Class:_cons])/ (1 + exp(_b[2.Class:_cons])) matrix b =e(b) matrix list b svmat b,names(reg) gen n=_n local i "3/16" forvalues i=3/16 { replace reg`i'=reg`i'[_n-1] if n>1 } gen xp=income*reg3+age*reg5+c.age#c.age*reg7+totchr*reg9+sex*reg11 drop reg1-reg16 *resample* gen double tmp_shk = uniform() gen mix_shk = `prob1' *(invnormal(tmp_shk) * 1.8196041 - 0.5881679) + `prob2' * (invnormal(tmp_shk) * 1.087063 -0.1927863 ) gen sim_lmedexp = mix_shk + xp *2.resample after fmm with heteroscedasticity* capture program drop vnormmix_lf program define vnormmix_lf version 15 args lnf mu1 mu2 lnsig1 lnsig2 invmpr tempname mpr tempvar sig1 sig2 scalar `mpr' = invlogit(`invmpr') quietly { gen double `sig1' = exp(`lnsig1') gen double `sig2' = exp(`lnsig2') replace `lnf' = ln(`mpr' * normalden($ML_y1, `mu1', `sig1') + (1 - `mpr') * normalden($ML_y1, `mu2', `sig2')) } end use global X income c.age##c.age totchr sex global Z totchr sex local ns: word count $X local nz: word count $Z *get initial value* constraint 1 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.income = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.income constraint 2 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.age = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.age constraint 3 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.age#c.age = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.age#c.age constraint 4 [lmedexp]1.Class#c.totchr = [lmedexp]2.Class#c.totchr constraint 5 [lmedexp]1.Class#sex = [lmedexp]2.Class#sex fmm 2,constraints(1/5): regress lmedexp income c.age##c.age totchr sex mat minit = e(b) scalar nx = colsof(minit) - 3 matrix init_mat = minit[1, 1..nx], (J(1,2, 0), minit[1, nx + 2]), (J(1,1, 0), minit[1, nx + 3]), minit[1, nx + 1] matrix list init_mat *maximize the llk* constraint 2 [mu1=mu2] constraint 3 [lnsig1=lnsig2] capture ml clear ml model lf vnormmix_lf (mu1: lmedexp = $X) (mu2: $X) (lnsig1: $Z) (lnsig2: $Z) /invmpr, constraint(2/3) ml init init_mat, copy ml max
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