I'm stumped on how/why my graph is resized in what strikes me as a counterintuitive way based on how ylabel is specified. I'm hoping there's a simple option I can use so that regardless of the ylabel specification the x-axis will have the same length. I'm generating a series of these graphs, each with a different ylabel, and hope to have them all align.
Compare the following graphs—Array Array
The twoway command is long and messy (displayed at the end of the posting), but key element is
local ll=-.301 local ul=.099
local ll=-.3 local ul=.1
P.S. Here's the full command
twoway (bar y frqorder if frqorder==2|frqorder==8|frqorder==14|frqorder==20, yline(0, lcolor(black*.25)) base(-.3) barw(3) fcolor(%20) lw(0)) (scatter penonpar1 penonpar2 frqorder in 1/24, mcolor(ebblue orange) msym(d s) yline(0, lcolor(black*.25)) msize(*1.25 *1.25) ylabel(`ll'(.1)`ul', angle(360)) xlabel(1(1)24 , val angle(45) labsize(*.85) tpos(o)) legend(rows(1) pos(12) order(2 3) region(lw(0) fcolor(bg)) label(2 "Age 18-44 {&rarr} Age 45-64") label(3 "Age 45-64 {&rarr} Age 65+") ) xti("{bf:q}") l2("PE{sub:{bf:q}}", orientation(horizontal)) xsc(r(.5 24.5)))
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