Hello Stata experts:

I have a large dataset for which I have run a FMM model. I have realized that there are two latent classes in my dataset. I was curious to know what portion of my obs falls into each class. I followed Stata documentations, and I used the following piece of code:

estat lcprob
This was the results:
Latent class marginal probabilities Number of obs = 2,382,941
| Delta-method
| Margin Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval]
Class |
1 | .7623763 .0021933 .7580509 .7666482
2 | .2376237 .0021933 .2333518 .2419491
This implies that around 76% of obs falls into Class 1 and the rest falls into Class 2.

Then, I calculated class posteriors by the following code to see the likelihood of class membership of each obs:
 predict P, classposteriorpr
Now, I could see the probability of each obs belongling to each class by the code below.
generate lgroup = P < 0.5
tab lgroup
The results is like this:
lgroup | Freq. ---- Percent ---- Cum.
0 | 2,217,252 ----- 93.05 ---- 93.05
1 | 165,694 - ------ 6.95 ----- 100.00
Total | 2,382,946 ------ 100.00

Do you see the issue? The percentage that I get here do not match with what I got lcprob command which is strange. A little bit of difference is fine but not this much!

I need help!

Thanks in advance