after three hours of trying and searching, here is my question: Is there an elegant way to add horizontal lines in an excel table with estout?
Solutions with -@hline-, -hlinechar()- turned out to be very puzzling and I could not find a clear description of them.
Also I have never seen such a notation in Stata (with signs like @ and {} in options).
Here is what I did. Because I couldn't manage to adjust the length of -hline-, I inserted underlines and adjusted for the length manually.
*[CREDIT]: -estout- written by Ben Jann. estout LINlabor_L LINsaved_L LINhcap_L /// LINlabor_G LINsaved_G LINhcap_G /// LINlabor_P LINsaved_P LINhcap_P using "$path/Estimates3.xls", /// replace keep(yft) cells(b(star fmt(5)) se(par fmt(5))) collabels(none) style(tab) /// mlabels(,depvars) lz title(Estimated Coefficients) /// posthead("__Linear specification: ________________@hline") /// prefoot("__Quadratic specification: _____________@hline") hlinechar(__)
Thank you !! Rebecca
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