Hi people,

I'm a total noobs to Stata and have spent two hours trying ot figure this dumb thing out. I'll i'm trying to do is relabel some data points in my column. Here is the command I am using:

label define postnatal_steroids_chronic_lung_label 0 "none" 7 "n/a" 11 "UCSF" 12 "OSH" 13 "UCSF/OSH"
label val postnatal_steroids_chronic_lung postnatal_steroids_chronic_lung_label

I keep getting the error message:

. label define postnatal_steroids_chronic_lung_label 0 "none" 7 "n/a" 11 "UCSF" 12 "OSH" 13 "UCSF/O
> SH"
postnatal_steroids_chronic_lung_label invalid name

I am copying the variable directly from stata. Not sure what to do. HELP!
