Hello dear experienced Stata users. I am a new Stata user. I have been using it for about 5 months and I work with Stata 14.
For the moment I only rub shoulders with data management commands. And I must admit that it makes me more productive with commands like foreach, gen, sort, list…

My problem of the day is related to an output that I cannot produce despite my best efforts. Indeed I have about ten variables in my dataset (mult_i_d1_n1_1 , mult_i_d1_n1_2 ...); and these have the particularity of having the same value labels ("valide", "acceptable" and "non valide" ).
So my wish is to produce an output similar to the one in the "wish" pic. So I used the "tabulate" command which shows me all the elements I need but not in the layout I want (pic "output").

I would like to display the common labels in columns and all the variables in rows and display the percentage of occurrence there.
I've spent the last 4 hours trying to figure out if command options like "tabulate" or "summarize" could get me the layout I want but to no avail.

I hope that your expertise in this area can easily overcome my issu.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to look into my problem.

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str34 ecole float(mult_i_d1_n1_1 mult_i_d1_n1_2 mult_i_d1_n1_3 mult_i_d1_n1_4 mult_i_d1_n1_5 mult_i_d1_n1_6 mult_i_d1_n1_7 mult_i_d1_n2_1)
"CPC DE DADJORDOUO"   100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE DARITEON"      50   0 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE DIHINTEDOUO"   50   0 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE DIKOTEDOUO"    50   0 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE KERMANTEDOUO" 100   0 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE KONTODOUO"     50   0 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE SEPIDOUO"     100   0 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE YOUNDOUO"     100   0 100   0 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE NIONA"        100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
"CPC DE GANSE"        100  25 100 100 100 100 100  50
label values mult_i_d1_n1_1 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n1_2 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n1_3 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n1_4 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n1_5 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n1_6 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n1_7 indic_label
label values mult_i_d1_n2_1 indic_label
label def indic_label 50 "acceptable", modify
label def indic_label 100 "valide", modify
label def indic_label 0 "non valide", modify
label def indic_label 25 "acceptable", modify
label var ecole "ECOLE" 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_1 "Distance maximale à parcourir par chaque enfant " 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_2 "Trajet sécurisant pour les élèves " 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_3 "Haute tension située sur le site" 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_4 "Lignes électriques situées sur le site" 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_5 "Risque d’inondation sur le site" 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_6 "Rivières, ravins et falaises situés sur le site" 
label var mult_i_d1_n1_7 "Trafics lourds situés sur le site" 
label var mult_i_d1_n2_1 "Age officiel pour la grande section"