A snapshot of a randomly generated dataset looking as mine is as follows
clear input int fid str10 enquiry_date str13 short_name float loan_date 171 "18-12-1975" "B1" 5830 20 "31-01-1987" "B2" 9892 358 "10-12-2013" "B2" 19702 592 "11-10-1975" "B2" 5762 272 "07-07-2004" "B2" 16259 297 "26-10-1961" "B3" 664 58 "09-01-1963" "B2" 1104 101 "20-03-1982" "B1" 8114 335 "20-11-1976" "B3" 6168 198 "04-06-2009" "B4" 18052 end format %td loan_date
I have another data set having some more data on enquiry date. I want to match master data such that it is a match if the using date is anywhere in 1 month before the master date
For example:
Master date = 31-01-1987 (see input 20) can be matched to any date in the using data between 31-12-1986 to 31-01-1987
This is a similar logic to what
Kedar Kelkar
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