I am working with a dataset that contains student grade observations in a variety of subjects, in different schools, over ten years. This is not a time-series dataset, although the observations are not random, because the students take different exams each year, and some students/year/exams have siginificantly less observations than others.
I want to create a lagged variable that contains the average test score for each test, in each school, in year t-1. For example, the variable t1_lag_grade_avg in an observation with a student\s grade in exam no. 831 from school no. 5 would receive the average of students' grades in school no. 5, exam no. 831 from year t-1. I want to create two lagged variables: t1_lag_grade_avg and t2_lag_grade_avg that is lagged to year t-2.
Because this is not panel/time series data, I can't seem to find a way to add the lagged variable to a given group of grades without collapsing the group and losing observations. This is my current code, notice that it works only for the first observation of each group. I am also having trouble creating the t-2 variable using this method. I would appreciate any help with this issue.

sort school exam year
egen totalgrade= total(grade), by(school exam year) 
bysort school exam year: gen meangrade = totalgrade/_N 
bysort school exam (year): gen t1_lag_grade_avg = meangrade[_n-1]