I use the mi estimate syntax for my mvn imputations. I find that they always provide standardized coefficients.
Is there an option for unstandardized?
Here is an example of the syntax I am referring to (that always provides standardized coefficients):
mi estimate, dftable: reg HEALTHPLAN1 AGE AGE2 woman2 nonhispblack other hisp SEX2 college_2 continc OWNRENT2 SELFRATED PHYS_ABLE AbilityMean AGEID LONGLIVE prevmarr widowed nevermar faminter_score friendsinter_score
I use this coding to obtain the R-square:
mibeta HEALTHPLAN1 AGE AGE2 woman2 nonhispblack other hisp SEX2 college_2 continc OWNRENT2 SELFRATED PHYS_ABLE EYES HEAR PAIN AbilityMean AGEID LONGLIVE prevmarr widowed nevermar faminter_score friendsinter_score
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