Hi. I'm trying to create subplots using coefplot with the addition of displaying estimates and confidence interval on the yaxis. Since this option is not built-in we need to write a program to tweak how coefplot works. I'm sharing the code from the user manual here: http://repec.sowi.unibe.ch/stata/coefplot/markers.html

capt program drop coefplot_mlbl
*! version 1.0.0  10jun2021  Ben Jann
program coefplot_mlbl, sclass
    _parse comma plots 0 : 0
    syntax [, MLabel(passthru) * ]
    if `"`mlabel'"'=="" local mlabel mlabel(string(@b, "%5.2f") + " (" + string(@ll, "%5.2f") + "; " + string(@ul, "%5.2f") + ")")
    qui coefplot `plots', `options' `mlabel' generate replace nodraw
    sreturn clear
    tempvar touse
    qui gen byte `touse' = __at<.
    mata: st_global("s(mlbl)", ///
        invtokens((strofreal(st_data(.,"__at","`touse'")) :+ " " :+ ///
        "`" :+ `"""' :+ st_sdata(.,"__mlbl","`touse'") :+ `"""' :+ "'")'))
    sreturn local plots `"`plots'"'
    sreturn local options `"`options'"'

capt program drop coefplot_ymlbl
*! version 1.0.0  10jun2021  Ben Jann
program coefplot_ymlbl
    _parse comma plots 0 : 0
    syntax [, MLabel(str asis) * ]
    _parse comma mlspec mlopts : mlabel
    local mlopts = substr(`"`mlopts'"', 2, .) // remove leading comma
    if `"`mlspec'"'!="" local mlabel mlabel(`mlspec')
    else                local mlabel
    coefplot_mlbl `plots', `options' `mlabel'
    coefplot `plots',  ///
        yaxis(1 2) yscale(alt) yscale(axis(2) alt noline) ///
        ylabel(none, axis(2)) yti("", axis(2)) ///
        ymlabel(`s(mlbl)', axis(2) notick angle(0) `mlopts') `options'
 coefplot_ymlbl D F, drop(_cons) xline(0)

However, the above program does not allow for the option 'bylabel'. I get a stata error saying "bylabel not allowed". I wanted to ask if there is a way to edit this code and include the bylabel option which is used to label subplots? I don't have experience writing programs and a bit unsure how to do that.

Thanks in advance!