IKEA segmentation, targeting and positioning involves a set of consequent marketing decisions that constitute the core of company’s marketing strategy. Segmentation refers to dividing population into groups on the basis of their common traits and characteristics. Targeting involves choosing specific groups identified as a result of segmentation as consumers for the brand. Positioning implies the selection of the marketing mix the most attractive to the target customer segment. There are various types of positioning such as mono-segment, multi-segment, standby, anticipatory, imitative, adaptive, defensive and stop-gap types of positioning. IKEA uses the following types of product positioning: – Mono-segment positioning. This type of positioning is associated with making an appeal to the needs and wants of a single customer segment. IKEA uses mono-segment positioning via focusing on a single customer segment that are cost-conscious and prefers to get value for money. – Adaptive positioning. This positioning method is based on periodically repositioning products and services to reflect changes in customer preferences. The Swedish furniture chain takes into account dynamic nature of customer preferences in designing its products. For example, increasing popularity of minimalism in the global scale has been reflected in the latest ranges of IKEA products. – Aesthetic positioning. The world’s largest furniture retailer uses ‘democratic design’ concept to develop its products. Democratic design appeals to the needs and preferences of a specific customer segment that value balance between function, form, quality, sustainability and low price. The following Table illustrates IKEA segmentation, targeting and positioning: Type of segmentation Segmentation criteria IKEA target customer segment Geographic Region Europe, Americas, Asia & Australia, Russia. In total 11 franchisees operate in more than 500 locations Density Urban Demographic Age 18 and older Gender Males & Females Life-cycle stage Bachelor Stage young, single people not living at home Newly Married Couples young, no…
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