Dear All,

1. I want to create a Dummy Variable ( Health Status of Indivuduals) which is either yes or no from INSURCY2 . if it yes i want to code it to 1 and 0 otherwise. The different values of the variable INSURCY2 is given in the following link.

I am considering this value as the predictor of the treatment (Individuals who have or not an insurance)

2. I want to put the above dummy variable at the time variant variables at the time T-1(lagged variables) such as income, education, married status, employment, region and if in need of care or not.

The description of data is given as below:

The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey — Household Component (MEPS-HC), conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ), longitudinal data collected from 2013 to 2015. The objective of the work is to highlight the changes happened shortly after the implementation of the policy. The variables that we will use are socio-economic and demographic variables and health status indicators: Independent variables: Age, male, white, black, Hispanic, other race, married, northeast, Midwest, south, west, years of education, high risk, employed, union, need specialist, need care, insurance prefer., insurance attitude, family members, limitations, income

Looking forward to your suggestions regarding 1 and 2.

With sincere regards,
Upananda Pani