clogit Response Price Drink1 Drink2 Drink3 if Label==0, group(UniqueID)
estimates store clogit1
clogit Response Price Drink1 Drink2 Drink3 if Label==1, group(UniqueID)
estimates store clogit2
clogithet Response Price d_Softdrink d_Juice25 d_FlavMilk d_Juice100 d_LowFatMilk, group(UniqueID) het(Label)
estimates store clogithet
lrtest (clogit1 clogit2) clogithet
estimates store clogit1
clogit Response Price Drink1 Drink2 Drink3 if Label==1, group(UniqueID)
estimates store clogit2
clogithet Response Price d_Softdrink d_Juice25 d_FlavMilk d_Juice100 d_LowFatMilk, group(UniqueID) het(Label)
estimates store clogithet
lrtest (clogit1 clogit2) clogithet
I used su and mdesc command to check but there is no missing data or string values in observations.
Could you please advise me on how to resolve this one?
Thank you.
0 Response to R(2000) error in clogithet regression
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