Hello sir, I am doing MLE estimation experimental data, and putting programs for the estimation. it is showing the error "too few variables specified". this problem I can not able to solve myself. I request you to please let me know the problem in the estimation.
*define procpect theory considering Holt Laury experimental model
*define program name
program define HL_cpt0
*specify the argument of the program
args lnf alpha gamma
*declare the temporary variables to be use in the model
tempvar choices prob1l prob2l prob1r prob2r y1 y2 y3 y4 euL euR euDiff
quietly {
*define probability weighting
gen double `tmp' = (($ML_y2^`gamma')+((1-$ML_y2)^`gamma'))
replace `tmp' = `tmp'^(1/`gamma')
generate double `prob1l' = ($ML_y2^`gamma')/`tmp'
generate double `prob2l' = (1-$ML_y2^`gamma')/`tmp'
replace `tmp' = (($ML_y3^`gamma')+((1-$ML_y3)^`gamma'))
replace `tmp' = `tmp'^(1/`gamma')
generate double `prob1r' = ($ML_y3^`gamma')/`tmp'
generate double `prob2r' = ((1-$ML_y3)^(`gamma'))/`tmp'
*define utility function
generate double `y1' = ( $ML_y4)^(1-`alpha') if $ML_y4>=0
generate double `y2' = ( $ML_y5)^(1-`alpha') if $ML_y5>=0
generate double `y3' = ( $ML_y6)^(1-`alpha') if $ML_y6>=0
generate double `y4' = ( $ML_y5)^(1-`alpha') if $ML_y5>=0
*generate Expected Utility
gen double `euL'=(`prob1l'*`y1')+(`prob2l'*`y2') if `y1'>=`y2'>=0
gen double `euR'=(`prob1r'*`y3')+(1-`prob2r'*`y4') if `y3'=<0=<`y4'
*get the Fechner index
generate double `euDiff' = `euR' - `euL'
*likelihood function
replace `lnf' = ln(normal( `euDiff')) if $ML_y1==1
replace `lnf' = ln(normal(-`euDiff')) if $ML_y1==0
ml model lf HL_cpt0 (alpha: choices prob1l prob2l prob1r prob2r prize0 prize1 prize2 prize3= )(gamma: ), cluster(id) technique(nr) maximize
ml display
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