
I am trying to combine 3 coefplots using graph combine in Stata 16. I have coefficient labels on one plot but not on the others. When I combine, the x axis is shorter on the first graph with the coefficient labels so the other two graphs look wider. I'm wondering if there is a way to force the x axes to span the same physical width?

My code is:

qui svy: mean diff_wt2 diff_ht2 diff_bmi2 if smpl2==1
local mean_1 = e(b)[1,1]
local mean_2 = e(b)[1,2]
local mean_3 = e(b)[1,3]
local yscale "on"
forval x =1/3 {
    if `x'==1 local y="Weight"
    if `x'==2 local y="Height"
    if `x'==3 local y="BMI"
    local z1=`x'*3-2
    local z2=`x'*3-1
    local z3=`x'*3
    if `x'==1 local fxsize=100
    if inlist(`x',2,3) local fxsize=80
    if `x'==1 local ysize=5
    if inlist(`x',2,3) local ysize=4
    di "`z1' `z2' `z3'"
    coefplot (matrix(health_plots[,`z1']), ci((health_plots[,`z2'] health_plots[,`z3']))) , title("`y' SR-M") ///
        ylabel(,labsize(small)) ysize(`ysize') xsize(3) xlabel(-10(5)20, labsize(small)) ///
        graphregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ilcolor(white) ifcolor(white)) ///
        xscale(range(-10(2)10)) msize(small) /*fxsize(`fxsize')*/  ///
        text(1 10 "Long term alcohol", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(7 10 "Short term alcohol", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(13 10 "RDI fruit/veg", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(17 10 "Exercise", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(20 10 "Physical activity", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(23 10 "Smoker", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(28 10 "SEIFA", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        text(37 10 "K10", size(small) just(left) place(east))  ///
        xline(`mean_`x'') yscale(`yscale') ///
        ytitle("Health variable") /*nodraw*/ name("health_`x'", replace)
    local yscale "off"

graph combine health_1 health_2 health_3, altshrink ///
    graphregion(color(white) fcolor(white) lcolor(white) ilcolor(white) ifcolor(white)) title("Health variables") ///
    rows(1) xcommon ycommon name("health_vars_all", replace)
Thank you.