Hi. I am trying to export ttests using the esttab command and am unable to append the results to several sheets or to different columns in the same sheet. I looked through previous posts and ran the code below, but it still replaces results on the same sheet. Is it possible to export on separate sheets using esttab? Thanks

local time "30 90 365"
foreach time in `time'{
  * import - unconditional
  use "`time'_uncond_clean", clear
  tabstat *_`time', by(armcd) stat(mean sd median)  long col(stat) format(%9.2f)
estpost ttest readm_`time' snf_`time' ed_`time' hspc_`time' ambul_`time' other_`time' total_`time', by (armcd)
esttab, wide nonumber mtitle("diff.") append
esttab using "$output/table/ttest_v1.xls", replace
import delimited "$output/table/ttest_v1.xls", clear
list, clean noobs
foreach var of varlist *_`time' {
    replace `var' = substr(`var',3,length(`var')-3)
list, clean noobs