My data is confidential so I generated fake data in Stata using rnormal (mean 73, SD 15). Here's a sample of the generated data, let me know if there's a better way to upload it:
I tried using the estout package:
estpost summarize pql_c_total_mean_wk0 pql_c_pf_mean_wk0 pql_c_ef_mean_wk0 pql_c_sf_mean_wk0 pql_c_sch_mean_wk0 qol_c_total_mean_wk0 qol_c_self_mean_wk0 qol_c_soc_mean_wk0 qol_c_env_mean_wk0 /// pql_c_total_mean_wk21 pql_c_pf_mean_wk21 pql_c_ef_mean_wk21 pql_c_sf_mean_wk21 pql_c_sch_mean_wk21 qol_c_total_mean_wk21 qol_c_self_mean_wk21 qol_c_soc_mean_wk21 qol_c_env_mean_wk21 /// pql_c_total_mean_6m pql_c_pf_mean_6m pql_c_ef_mean_6m pql_c_sf_mean_6m pql_c_sch_mean_6m qol_c_total_mean_6m qol_c_self_mean_6m qol_c_soc_mean_6m qol_c_env_mean_6m // gen table with mean and sd eststo summstats esttab summstats using "X:\Mark\Writing\Output\table3.csv", replace main(mean %6.1f) aux(sd %6.1f) noparentheses
I also tried using collapse: my plan was to use the concatenate function in excel to concatenate the mean, plus/minus symbol, and the SD, then paste into word.
preserve collapse (mean) pql_c_total_mean_wk0 pql_c_pf_mean_wk0 pql_c_ef_mean_wk0 pql_c_sf_mean_wk0 pql_c_sch_mean_wk0 qol_c_total_mean_wk0 qol_c_self_mean_wk0 qol_c_soc_mean_wk0 qol_c_env_mean_wk0 /// pql_c_total_mean_wk21 pql_c_pf_mean_wk21 pql_c_ef_mean_wk21 pql_c_sf_mean_wk21 pql_c_sch_mean_wk21 qol_c_total_mean_wk21 qol_c_self_mean_wk21 qol_c_soc_mean_wk21 qol_c_env_mean_wk21 /// pql_c_total_mean_6m pql_c_pf_mean_6m pql_c_ef_mean_6m pql_c_sf_mean_6m pql_c_sch_mean_6m qol_c_total_mean_6m qol_c_self_mean_6m qol_c_soc_mean_6m qol_c_env_mean_6m ds foreach var in `r(varlist)' { replace `var' = round(`var', 0.1) } export excel using "\\childrens\research\nik\Mark\Writing\Output\table3.xlsx", sheet(mean) sheetreplace restore preserve collapse (sd) pql_c_total_mean_wk0 pql_c_pf_mean_wk0 pql_c_ef_mean_wk0 pql_c_sf_mean_wk0 pql_c_sch_mean_wk0 qol_c_total_mean_wk0 qol_c_self_mean_wk0 qol_c_soc_mean_wk0 qol_c_env_mean_wk0 /// pql_c_total_mean_wk21 pql_c_pf_mean_wk21 pql_c_ef_mean_wk21 pql_c_sf_mean_wk21 pql_c_sch_mean_wk21 qol_c_total_mean_wk21 qol_c_self_mean_wk21 qol_c_soc_mean_wk21 qol_c_env_mean_wk21 /// pql_c_total_mean_6m pql_c_pf_mean_6m pql_c_ef_mean_6m pql_c_sf_mean_6m pql_c_sch_mean_6m qol_c_total_mean_6m qol_c_self_mean_6m qol_c_soc_mean_6m qol_c_env_mean_6m ds foreach var in `r(varlist)' { replace `var' = round(`var', 0.1) } export excel using "\\childrens\research\nik\Mark\Writing\Output\table3.xlsx", sheet(sd) sheetreplace restore
ds foreach var in `r(varlist)' { recast int `var' }
Here's an example of the table I'm going for, with fake means/SDs:
I first used collapse to generate the means and SDs all at once (instead of separately like in my 2nd block of code), but that resulted in a single "observation" where half the variables were means and half were SDs, and I couldn't see an easy way to export them (I'll be making more tables, so doing 15 or so concatenate functions would be slower than copying by hand). Is there a way to have collapse create two "observations," where one row is means and the second is SDs? Because if so, reshaping it and then using concatenate would work really well.
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