version 16 cls webuse nlswork, clear gen prop_wks_work = wks_work / (wks_work + wks_ue) label variable prop_wks_work "Proportion of weeks worked last year" assert 0<=prop_wks_work & prop_wks_work<=1 if !missing(prop_wks_work) // The dependent variable takes values between zero and one. regress prop_wks_work age grade, vce(cluster idcode) quietly duplicates report idcode if e(sample)==1 // Store number of unique values of "idcode" in the sample. assert `e(N_clust)'==`r(unique_value)' // Number of clusters is equal to the number of unique values. fracreg logit prop_wks_work age grade, vce(cluster idcode) quietly duplicates report idcode if e(sample)==1 display `e(N_clust)' display `r(unique_value)'
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